Meal Plans

To determine your calorie intake, complete the Evolt Body Scan and note your 'New Approximate Calorie Intake' figure on the results. This figure will guide you in selecting the appropriate eating plan from the options below. If the body scan advises consulting a trainer, reach out to Tamar for assistance.

1400-1600 Calorie Plan
1700-1900 Calorie Plan
2000 - 2200 Calorie Plan
2300-2500 Calorie Plan
2600-2800 Calorie Plan

Bodybuilding Plan:

Your bodybuilding plan includes three workouts: Upper Body, Lower Body, and Full Body.

Do each of these workouts once a week, totaling three workouts weekly.

If you are really looking to drop fat fast then you can add in 30-45 mins cardio after weight training.

Weeks 5-8 now include dropsets. Please watch video below if you are unsure what a dropset is.

Dropset Demonstration

Workout 1 - Upper Body

Warm up on Ski erg/Rower, use light sets of the exercise to warm up that movement, don’t count these as working sets . Rest should be kept to a minimum.

**d/s - drop set – only drop set where it specifies to.

Exercise Sets Reps Notes
Heavy bench press or DB floor press 3 plus d/s 8 Make sure to get in some good warm up sets
DB Flyes 3 plus d/s 12
ME Pushups 3 ME ME - max effort. Make sure you push all 3 sets of these to failure 
Wide grip pull ups  or seated wide grip pull ups  3 ME These may be hard. Just get out as many as you can 
Bent over row 3 12
Dumbell Shoulder Press 3 plus d/s 8 Heavy Presses
Lateral Raise 3 add 2 d/s 15-20 Heavy Presses
Superset:Bicep curl/Tricep kick back  3 12 Straight from bicep curl into tricep kick backs 

Workout 2 - Lower Body

Warm up on Assault bike/Rower for 5 mins, use light sets for warming up (not counted as working sets) Rest should be kept to a minimum.

**d/s - drop set – only drop set where it specifies to.

Exercise Sets Reps Notes
Barbell squats 4 plus d/s 15, 12, 10, 15 Weight increases as reps come down. Last set of 15 is 12 rep weight (should be hard)
DB romanian deadlifts 3 15
Close leg DB squat  3 plus d/s 20 Don’t stand all the way up, no pausing at any stage of the reps
Barbell walking lunge 3 12 12 each side – if space doesn’t allow you to walk then you can stand in one place 
Jumping lunges 3 ME ME – Max effort until failure – if your knees don’t allow this then you can sub in squat jumps 
DB Calf Raises 3 plus d/s 20

Workout 3 - Full Body

Warm up on any piece of equipment for 5 mins, use light sets to warm up, rest sets should be kept to a minimum.

**d/s - drop set – only drop set where it specifies to.

Exercise Sets Reps Notes
Deadlift 4 15, 12, 10, 15 Weight increases as reps come down. Last set of 15 is 12 rep weight (should be hard)
Pendelay row  3 plus d/s 8
SUPER SETS – 2 exercises done one after with no rest in between 
1. Top to top DB shoulder press
2. Staggered leg RDL
3 plus d/s


12 each side – if space doesn’t allow you to walk then you can stand in one place
1. DB Single arm bent over row 
2. BB Hip thrust 

3 plus d/s

Each side

Make sure this is heavy
1. 12-15 Box Jumps
2. 12-15 Pushups 

High box jumps

Booty Programme

Warm up on bike and do some banded stuff to activate glutes.

Exercise Sets Reps Notes
BB Hip Thrust 4 8-10 Make sure this is heavy! No resting at any stage of this movement
Sumo Deadlift 4 12 Tension on the whole time!
Heavy Russian Swing 3 20 Only bring KB to eye level, make sure you are squeezing the glutes at the top of the movement
Wide leg squats 3 20 Use glutes to drive the weight upwards
Double pulse RDL 3 12 each side Make sure you are not using your back, if you find your back is getting sore you need to push the hips back more
Single reverse lunge 3 12 each side Use the static leg to move the weight
Circuit x3
1. Pop squat
2. Banded DBL pulse squat
3. Banded hip thrust
4. Banded hip abduction
3 20 each movement No rest between movements and keep the tension on so you can feel the glutes activate and burn.

Use this as a finisher to all the movements above